• (4/28/2024) Please pray for Carolyn Amaden. She's been diagnosed with giant cell arteritis and the arteries in her head are inflamed and swollen causing debilitating pain.

  • (4/22/2024) Prayer Request from Tammy Kelly: Kevin will have repeat foot bone fusion surgery. -Trying to figure out best time for it. Neva is 29weeks now and repeatedly off and on bed rest. Please pray she’s able to stay pregnant longer (This Mexican doctor is a Godsend. Without his intervention throughout entire pregnancy, she would have delivered the baby at least three times.) I’m flying to Mexico this Friday for baby shower.

  • (4/21/2024) Prayer Request from Myrion Underwood: I'm having shoulder surgery on May 2. Please pray all goes well and for an as soon as possible for recovery.

  • (4/20/2024) Prayer Request from Atonia Young: Please keep me, my mom Wilma Creggett in Rehab and stepdad Lum Creggett in your prayers. My stepdad and I have Covid-19 and he's being admitted into the hospital. Thank you and God bless.

  • (4/14/2024) Please pray for the The Seward Family/Nettle Family. William Nettle's fiancee Renee Seward is grieving over the passing of her mother.

  • (4/12/2024) Please pray for Linda Magee and family. Her father passed away this weekend.

  • (4/6/2024) Prayer Request from Amber Goodman: Grant had an accident this morning and has second degree burns all along his right side of his chest. We went to Batson and thankfully plastics attending came and said no surgery necessary. We just got discharged after they finally got his pain under control. Grant will have follow up with burn/plastics on Monday. Please specifically pray for Grant’s pain and for him not to mess with his dressings. Also pray for Chris, Gray and myself as we are all very traumatized after this event.

  • (4/6/2024) Prayer Request from Whitnie McGee: Please pray for newborn baby Clay Wigginton, son of Kyle and Kacy, and grandson of Brother Ken Forrest (preacher at Booneville Church of Christ). He was born with unforeseen thoracic issues and is having emergency open heart surgery at Birmingham Children’s hospital. He is in critical condition. Please pray for entire family and those treating him.

  • (4/1/2024) Prayer Request from Myrion Underwood: Please pray for my daughter-in-law's mother, Paula Junk. She has Covid and already had cancer in one of her lungs for a few weeks and other serious health issues. Also, my daugher-in-law's neice Camille Booker who just delivered a baby last week was taken to the ER last night with severe breathing and heart issues.


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